I WOULD DO THIS FOR YOU. Together we're stronger.
Track my runs via B's BLOG
Sponsor me, $upport rachael!!

Three options to donate!
(Commemorative gift photos at bottom)
(Commemorative gift photos at bottom)
Option 1One-time Cash-Bomb via the donate button, takes all cards AND Paypal.
Option 2Mileage sponsorship!!
Sign-up via Contact Form below Tell me you're sponsoring $1, $5, or $10 per mile I run in April training! Donate when I complete my last April training mile. I can run maximum 50-80 miles before April 27th. |
Option 3 |
What you getOne-Time Cash-Bomb through my site!
Engraved thank you gifts! $20 - hand written thank you postcard from me with a Race Day photo of Rachael and I! $60 - single bill brass CashCan $100 - double bill aluminum CashCan $200 - double bill aluminum CashCan $500 - double bill TITANIUM CashCan OR $500 - choice of below Stainless Steel pens $1000 - receive both $500 gifts and receive a postcard with a photo of Rachael and I on Race Day! |
Mileage sponsorship through my site!
Engraved thank you gifts! $1/mile - single bill brass CashCan $5/mile - double bill aluminum CashCan $10/mile - double bill TITANIUM CashCan OR $10 - choice of below Stainless Steel pens Commit to your Mileage Sponsorship! See below contact form tell me you're in and @ what level! (Make donation after last training mile is complete.) |
Did you donate through RelayForRachael.com?
Share your mailing address via the Contact Form below I'll send you a personal Thank You postcard! |
All funds beyond the cost of the commemorative gift will go direct to Rachael.
All gifts sourced from Dad at below wholesale for MAX RACHAEL SUPPORT!
All gifts sourced from Dad at below wholesale for MAX RACHAEL SUPPORT!
Engraving: RelayForRachael - Sponsor - 2014
(Engraving can be customized)
Hand made by my father in Carmel Valley Village.
Preview your gift!
Stainless Steel Keychain Pen (may choose Brass as well)
Titanium double bill CashCan, with $2 bill hidden inside
Aluminum or Brass double bill CashCan, with $2 bill hidden inside
Brass single bill CashCan, with $2 bill hidden inside
Engraving: RelayForRachael - Sponsor - 2014
(Engraving can be customized)
Hand made by my father in Carmel Valley Village.
Preview your gift!
Stainless Steel Keychain Pen (may choose Brass as well)
Titanium double bill CashCan, with $2 bill hidden inside
Aluminum or Brass double bill CashCan, with $2 bill hidden inside
Brass single bill CashCan, with $2 bill hidden inside