rachael Short - unbreakable spirit

Rachael Short, an accomplished photographer and gallery owner, was severely injured in a car accident on November 1, 2010 while riding as a passenger.
Rachael, 32, has turned her intensity and zeal for life to overcoming her paralyzing spinal cord injury. Her quadriplegic status requires round-the-clock-care, including physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, and the loving support of her generous community.
"Her forgiveness might be the most unexpected approach she takes. Most people would understandably cast blame and resentment at a driver who allegedly left the scene after she was hurt and rendered unable to move – especially since he hasn’t attempted to contact her since. But Short doesn’t see it that way. “I’m not angry [at Myles],” Short says. “I’m focusing on the future.”
Read the whole story HERE
Rachael, 32, has turned her intensity and zeal for life to overcoming her paralyzing spinal cord injury. Her quadriplegic status requires round-the-clock-care, including physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, and the loving support of her generous community.
"Her forgiveness might be the most unexpected approach she takes. Most people would understandably cast blame and resentment at a driver who allegedly left the scene after she was hurt and rendered unable to move – especially since he hasn’t attempted to contact her since. But Short doesn’t see it that way. “I’m not angry [at Myles],” Short says. “I’m focusing on the future.”
Read the whole story HERE

Who is Rachael to me?
We met on the archway over the Tricycle Track in Kindergarten.
She climbed up to shyly share:
"Hi, I'm Rachael. Do you want to be my friend?"
"OKAY," said a relieved five year old.
6 days a week, 4 hours a day Rachael works with her physical therapist.
Costing more than $30k / year, Rachael funds over $15k out of pocket.
We met on the archway over the Tricycle Track in Kindergarten.
She climbed up to shyly share:
"Hi, I'm Rachael. Do you want to be my friend?"
"OKAY," said a relieved five year old.
6 days a week, 4 hours a day Rachael works with her physical therapist.
Costing more than $30k / year, Rachael funds over $15k out of pocket.
Short video about the injuryShare the life changing event through Rachel's eyes, captured by Guru Khalsa of Campfire Creative. Here is her story: http://vimeo.com/22242397
Rachael's photographyClick HERE to see some of Rachael's work.
RachaeL's BlogVisit Rachel's blog here: http://rachaelsrecovery.blogspot.com/
Donation TOTALS pageClick www.RelayForRachel.com to see the summary of each runner's sponsorship.